Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Post 6: area three and conclusion.

First before i explain what information i have gained out of this project i want to supply you with all the resources i used to gain this information in links that are not already given:

So in area one i focused mainly in public roman libraries in the past and found out about why they were created and when. I also found out the name of the first public library in Rome and who created it. For the second part of area one modern public roman libraries i found out the names of a large number of modern public libraries, then supplied the librarie websites as links and added picture to my blog i also found out about borrowing from the libraries and opening hours which are much the same as our making an exception for the SLV which does not allow borrowing. All information was found from websites I have supplied on my blog in post two and three.

Through looking at the pictures of the roman libraries and also in area two finding pictures of Australian, British and American libraries i realized they all have the similar building construction such as the reading rooms that are all dome structures i could then draw a connection to each public library in America, Australia and Britain to Roman libraries however after a couple weeks of  research that is one of the only similarities i could find not including each is a borrowing library except SLV in Australia that’s about it. All information was found from Google images and websites supplied on my blog in post four and five.

Area three in researching roman public I have found that the layout of the building is very good it allows for users of the roman public libraries to sit, relax and have their own space in comfortable chairs and provides desk to user to also do study and reading while providing another space for employees of the libraries to do work and walk around the library as this is the conclusion I have made from looking at numerous pictures however some negative qualities of  roman public libraries I have found is that although they may have a large collection a lot of it is not in English and needs to be translated to English for english speaking countries and people I see this as a very big problem as English is the one languges spoking by most people across the globe. Also the preservation and conservation is done well in each library as the books it each collection are mostly old texts. This is what I consider to be the positives and negatives of the roman public libraries in Italy and with that I conclude my blog on roman public libraries.       

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melonie. Your blog looks good but on reading there are a number of areas that need improvement. The spelling and grammar needs better proof-reading and correction. The major weakness of the blog is in the scope and structure of your content. The subject area is confused and not well defined. Some formatting suggestions include activating all of your URLs and including a blog list of all your fellow students' blogs. Come along to class if you can so that we can help with organising your information for the final report.
