Thursday, August 26, 2010

Roman public libraries: post one

This blog was designed by me for a research project I’m doing in my Libraries Studies class which asked me to choose a topic from a list of topics that i was interested in. So i choose roman public libraries as i have always been very interested in roman culture and history and my mother side of the family came from Italy.

This blog will contain information about roman public libraries which i have collected from research and study the information that i have collected will be broken down in three different area. The first area will be making comparisons and provided basic information on roman public libraries in the past and modern public roman libraries.

The second areas is looking at comparing different public libraries around the world to roman libraries i will do this by looking at aspects that are similar in each libraries to draw a connection between the different libraries.

Then finely in the third area i will review the main information i have gained in area one on modern public libraries and make an informed decision on negative qualities of the library such as poor inside layout of building , collection that does not meet clientele needs whether it be the libraries catering for the wrong clientele or maybe not enough of the collection is able to be assessed by clients those are just some of the aspect of the public libraries in Rome that could be negative while also looking at information gained on positive aspects of the public libraries such as advanced book technology like e-books in the library self check out, free computer services, a great collection of book to suit all clients and other positive thing about the roman public library system .

1 comment:

  1. Good start Melonie. Looking forward to seeing future posts with some of your references and links. Linda
